
Terrorism (Protection of Premises) Bill

The forthcoming legislation, Martyn’s Law, officially known as the Terrorism “Protection of Premises” bill, is set to impact every private and public sector building across the UK. The law introduces a tiered approach based on capacity: buildings with a capacity of over 100 will fall under the standard duty, while those with a capacity exceeding 800 will be subject to an enhanced duty.

This new legislation assigns specific duties and responsibilities to venue owners and operators, emphasizing enhanced communication and the implementation of counter-terrorism measures. Under Martyn’s Law, failure to comply could result in substantial penalties, including fines and potential jail time. The fines are tier-based: for standard duty premises (100+ capacity), the maximum penalty could be a £10,000 fine, while for enhanced duty premises (800+ capacity), penalties could escalate to £18 million or 5% of global company revenue. Non-compliance in the enhanced tier may also be treated as a criminal offence, potentially leading to custodial sentences.

The Audiebant Zoned System meets the recommended communication guidelines set by Counter Terrorism Policing and the National Protective Security Authority. Its capability to deliver different messages simultaneously across various zones aligns with the legislative requirements, ensuring clear, targeted communication during critical incidents, which is crucial for directing people to a safe secure location, or exit strategy.

For a more in depth review of Martyn’s Law you can view our Protection of Premises blog HERE.

Why you need a fit for purpose communication system:

Persons are being attacked or are close enough that they can either see or hear the attack. Communications to this group is important, but many will be distracted and their ability to act on information given impaired.

Persons are under imminent/approaching threat, but they are unaware of the attack or ill informed. In this diagram, all persons within the building are under threat. Communications to this group is vital as there is a good opportunity to reduce their exposure to harm and they are likely to listen to PA-VA announcements.

Persons in this area are not directly exposed to the threat, but may wander into the area of attack, putting themselves at risk. Communications to this group is also vital to minimise their exposure to harm.

Our system provides:

Simple, easy to operate and can be used on a day-to-day basis

Instant using our text-to-voice technology or pre-recorded messages

Live, instant, pre-timed and calendar-triggered announcements

Martyn’s Law Compliancy (Protection of Premises Legislation)

Play supplied license-free music making a pleasant, welcoming environment

Lockdown Invacuation and Evacuation system

For further information regarding the upcoming Protection of Premises bill, please click here.

Guidelines for Delivering Announcements

Effective announcements should be:

Avoid making announcements that are:

Insights from the Kerslake Report on the Manchester Arena attack: