The new government legislation “Martyn’s Law” (the Protection of Premises Legislation) will shortly affect every NHS trust and health board in the UK as all premises with 100+ capacity must be compliant.
We are increasingly aware of the importance Hospital Trusts, health boards and medical facilities face in communicating effectively with patients and visitors in the event of a critical incident or lockdown situation.
The Audiebant mass alert, zoned, audible, visual and mobile system has been developed to meet the needs of each medical facilities.
The Audiebant zoned lockdown system ensures the delivery of quick, clear and concise and consistent instructions, directing people to safety from any location.
Our system provides:
Simple, easy to operate and can be used on a day-to-day basis
Instant using our text-to-voice technology or pre-recorded messages
Live, instant, pre-timed and calendar-triggered announcements
Martyn’s Law Compliancy (Protection of Premises Legislation)
Play supplied license-free music making a pleasant, welcoming environment
Lockdown Invacuation and Evacuation system
Why you need a fit for purpose communication system:
For further information regarding the Protection of Premises act, please click here.